

Sing to Me

Why do human beings love to sing? Even those of us who can’t hold a note or are tone deaf, sing. We sing in the shower, we sing along with our favorite musical artists, we hum while we are making our favorite meal. We sing when we are happy and when we are sad. Why? Well, maybe the reason lies in the fact that we are made in God’s image.

Most of the book written by the prophet Zephaniah presents judgment on God’s people for their disobedience. But in the midst of some very dire proclamations of how God would punish the disobedient people of Judah, there is a surprising statement in verse 17 of chapter 3:

The Lord your God is in your midst,a mighty one who will save;he will rejoice over you with gladness;he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.      Zep 3:17

God promises that for those who will take advantage of his saving grace, he will sing loudly in joyfulness over them! No wonder we sing. It’s because our heavenly father sings.

We know from Matthew 26:30 that Jesus and his apostles sung a hymn after the Passover supper before he went to the Mount of Olives prior to his death. 

And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.  Matt 26:30

The father sings and the Son sings, so it is no wonder that singing is a part of our being. So, the next time you get the urge to sing, belt it out, and remember that if you are living in God's saving grace, he is also singing loudly and joyfully as he looks lovingly on you.